Electrical Stimulation

Electrical Stimulation is a therapy used to augment an acupuncture treatment by providing increased stimulation to the needles, called Electroacupuncture. Physical Therapists and Chiropractors sometimes use a similar technique, however, Acupuncturists can connect the electrodes to the needles which offers unique therapeutic effects.

New research demonstrates that Electroacupuncture can be used for certain Fertility treatments (termed TEAS – transcutaneous electroacupuncture stimulation).

Benefits include:

  1. improve ovarian response during IVF stimulation cycles (especially for people with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (ROI), or those over 40 years old)
  2. thicken uterine lining before transfer
  3. improve outcomes for those with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL) or Repeated Implantation Failure (RIF)

Electrical Stimulation is also used for pain and/or musculoskeletal issues. The most common ailments Kerri treats with Electrical Stimulation are back pain, knee pain, and shoulder pain.

Electroacupuncture is also used in Labor Preparation treatments if the pregnant woman’s labor is delayed or is progressing slowly.

Not every patient is a candidate for this therapy. For example, Electrical Stimulation is contraindicated for those with pacemakers or metal surgical implants.